Ship your startup in days, not weeks

The NextJS boilerplate with all you need to build your SaaS, AI tool, or any other web app. From idea to production in 5 minutes.

32 makers ship faster
Product Demo

80% of startups fail because founders never launch

Emails, DNS records, user authentication... There's so much going on.


8 hrs to add Stripe


Struggle to find time


Quit project

All you need to ship your startup fastand get profitable

  • Send transactional emails, setup your DNS to avoid spam folder (DKIM, DMARC, SPF in subdomain), and listen to webhook to receive & forward emails
  • Create checkout sessions, handle webhooks to update user's account (subscriptions, one-time payments...) and tips to setup your account & reduce chargebacks
  • Magic links setup, login with Google walkthrough, save user in MongoDB/Supabase, private/protected pages & API calls
  • Components, animations & sections (like this features section), 20+ themes with daisyUI, automatic dark mode

Save hours of repetitive code and ship faster!


Perfect for small projects




  • NextJS boilerplate
  • User oauth
  • Database
  • Emails

Pay once. Access forever.



You need more power




  • NextJS boilerplate
  • User oauth
  • Database
  • Emails
  • 1 year of updates
  • 24/7 support

Pay once. Access forever.


Perguntas frequentes:

  • Não! 😸✨
    Aqui é tudo pensado para acender lâmpadas sobre as cabeças dos alunos e gerar mais interesse da turma através de aulas encantadoras.
  • Sim! Solicite reembolso em até 7 dias da sua compra através do email.

  • Legal! Envie um email para nós!

26 profes já estão aplicando aulas brilhantes!

Não acredite apenas na nossa palavra. Veja o que estão falando sobre a Helplit.

  • Really easy to use. The tutorials are really useful and explains how everything works. Hope to ship my next project really fast!

    Marc Lou
    Marc Lou's testimonial for Helplit
  • Setting up everything from the ground up is a really hard, and time consuming process. What you pay for will save your time for sure.

  • Easily saves 15+ hrs for me setting up trivial stuff. Now, I can directly focus on shipping features rather than hours of setting up the same technologies from scratch. Feels like a super power! :D

    Wahab Shaikh

Boost your app, launch, earn

Don't waste time integrating APIs or designing a pricing section...